2-1/2” Strong Suction Cups

Big Strong Suction cups with mushroom head. — 63mm diameter.
Kingfar Suction Cups Solutions – isuctioncups.com

Big Super Strong Suction cups products are mainly used for sucking purpose. The suction cups are available in many forms such as suction cups with screw and nut and suction cups with mushroom heads. Suction cups are used as per the requirement of the user. That is, for small sucking needs Big super strong suction cups with hooks can be used. For a large hanging purpose, large suction hooks are used. Users can use these kinds of big suction cups for their walls, windows, bathrooms, cars etc. Based on the surface, the performance of the big suction cups varies.


2.5'' big suction cups with mushroom head

Suction Cups-Mushroom Head 63MH Features

Suction cups uses normally depends on its features like its size, diameter and absorption etc. These types of mushroom headed suction cups provides more advantages to the users

  • This Suction Cups-Mushroom Head 63MH has a beautiful appearance
  • It can be used for multiple sucker purpose
  • Users can remove it and reuse it anytime
  • The temperature rating of these suction cups is 180 degree
  • This is best suited for transparent surfaces
  • It provides a strong absorbability to the user
  • These type of suction cups are environment-friendly and easy to use


big strong suctioncups

Product Description

This mushroom headed suction cup contains a cup with a diameter of 63mm. It should be used in a clean and oil free surface. These big suction cups can include a mete hooks on it are placed in the place that children cannot touch. This cannot be used in wood products, wallpaper, wood columns in tubes, oil etc. This is because of the high temperature it cannot afford. Similarly, these types of suction cups are not used in surfaces like uneven, rough and in easy to pull out occasion. In strong absorption times, if it is hard to remove then open one end, let the air to flow in it and remove it. This Suction cups – Mushroom Head 63MH is best suited for ordinary suckers.


super strong suction cup with mushroom head

If you have a Customized Requiremen of the Suction Cups:

— What is the diameter?

— What is the Type / Style?

— What is the size (height,thickness)?

— Please kindly offer us with your projected photos Or design drawing.

super strong suction cups details
